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RUC MEA 2024

  1. 25 mins
    • Context of RUC in the Brussels Region
    • SmartMove as a complete mobility journey
    • How RUC can compensate for the loss in excise duties due to electrification


  1. 25 mins
    • Insights from the initial months of free-flow tolling in the Netherlands
    • Progress on implementation of heavy goods vehicle charge
    • The road to the start of heavy goods vehicle charge fbd
  1. 25 mins
    • Mobility public policies aim to increase PT share from 16% to 20% by 2030
    • Portugal has extensive expertise in highway tolling systems, expertise that can be effectively leveraged both internationally and in urban settings.
    • RUC schemes are anticipated to play a pivotal role in the future of mobilityjfgkl
  1. 25 mins
    • The journey of London's Road User Charging (RUC) scheme, explaining how it started, its goals, and the key features that make it unique
    • Evolution and Improvements: Discover the major updates and improvements made to the RUC scheme over the years, including new technologies and policy changes
    • Success Stories: Learn about the positive impacts of the RUC scheme, such as reduced traffic congestion, cleaner air, and increased use of public transport


  1. Morning Networking Break
    40 mins
  1. 25 mins
    • Key challenges and benefits of transitioning from stop-and-go to MLFF tolling
    • Managing toll authority-led pricing, performance-based tolling, and local discounts
    • Lessons from Croatia’s model for efficient and sustainable road user charging of light vehiclesskfm
  1. 45 mins
    • Discuss how operators are collaborating with government, industry, and users to deliver smarter infrastructure.
    • Learn how stakeholder engagement influences policy decisions and shapes regulatory frameworks.
    • Explore case studies of successful partnerships driving EV adoption, alternative fuels, and digital tolling innovation
  1. 25 mins
    • The challenges associated with conversion to multi lane free flow operation
    • The opportunities associated with conversion to multi lane free flow operation
    •  Lessons learned from prior implementations
  1. Lunch & Networking
    60 mins
  1. 25 mins
    • The requirements as stipulated by Congress in the Bi-Partisan Infrastructure Bill
    • The role and need of a National Advisory Board
    • The concepts to be explored in the National Pilot Test
    • What we have learned so far in the USA National testing
  1. 25 mins
    •  Explore how OBU, tachograph-based, and in-vehicle tolling technologies may shape the market, driving innovation and interoperability in the years ahead

    • Understand how providers can adopt more flexible and open OBE solutions, ensuring greater adaptability and improved service for road users across different regions

    • Leverage in-vehicle and universal tolling technologies to optimize total cost of ownership, enhance efficiency, and future-proof tolling infrastructuregfhgtj

  1. 25 mins
    • The success of implementing user charges for EVs and PHEVs in Iceland
    • Challenges in expanding RUC to all vehicles
    • Public opposition amidst political turmoilhkj
  1. Afternoon Networking Break
    40 mins
  1. 25 mins
    • Achievements/Key figures
    • Update on Flexible secondary system
    • Introducing CO2


  1. 25 mins
    •   Sustainability as part of the corporate strategy

    •  Accounting of climate emissions and the key levers for reducing

    • Use of solar energy and electro mobility and the impact on the reduction of climate emissions

  1. 25 mins
    • Experiences with the introduction of the CO2 toll in 2024
    • Some key figures from the year 2024 and outlook of upcoming changes 2025 
    • The essential role of communication between all actors involved to implement upcoming changes in a coordinated manner across Europev b
  1. 25 mins
    • Ireland’s PPP roads and their expiry post 2033
    • Financial sustainability of the Irish road network
    • Pathway to a future road user charge for Irelandloj
  1. 25 mins
    • History of tolling and payment methods on Türkiye’s highways
    • Benefits of the conversion to high-speed tolling system (HGS) such as increased speed of traffic and reduced congestion
    • Road user charging rates such as taxes and toll faresjunj
  1. 25 mins
    • Expanding the scheme smoothly: Hear how Capita has successfully expanded the RUC system, ensuring everything runs smoothly and efficiently
    • Customer account management: Find out how we manage millions of customer accounts, keeping everything secure and user-friendly
    • Ensuring fairness and equality: Learn about our commitment to fairness and equality, making sure the RUC system is fair for everyone


  1. 25 mins
    • Discover tolling schemes across India, Australia, Indonesia, the Philippines, and beyond 
    • Learn how the Asia-Pacific region is overcoming challenges from congestion in densely populated cities to a rise in accidents and fatalities on toll roads
    • Sustainability, digital transformation, asset monetisation, and data security are key trends in the areahk
  1. Morning Networking Break
    40 mins
  1. 25 mins
    • Increase efficiency and reduce costs
    • Integration of versatile control scenarios
    • Environmentally conscious vehicles and equipment


  1. 45 mins
    • Explore the European toll road network's 20% CO2 reduction milestone and the strategies driving success
    • Learn how toll road operators are incorporating renewable energy and EV charging networks to meet EU Green Deal targets
    • Discuss the role of tolling as a financial mechanism for decarbonisation and aligning with EU Fit for 55 goals
  1. Lunch & Networking Break
    60 mins
  1. 25 mins
    • Multilane Free Flow Tolling system model in France
    • Free flow and French market impact
    • Customer centric journeys km
  1. 25 mins
    • Establish principles for solution design early, adhere to them, and manage operations based on them
    • Maintain an ongoing dialogue with the industry and a close cooperation with authorities
    • Focus on testing and transition to operations. A three-month pilot operation allowed for identifying and correcting errors before go-livehtdtedhsdtrh
  1. 25 mins
    • Navigating the complexities of international toll collection
    • GDPR Compliance in a challenging and regulated environment
    • Beyond Compliance: Transparency in toll collection practices


  1. Afternoon Networking Break
    40 mins
  1. 25 mins
    • New York's Congestion Relief Zone

    • Background and future goals

    • Challenges and initial results and lessons learnedshelbyy

  1. 25 mins
    • How the KPIs of distance travelled, time spent in traffic, and accidents can measure mobility improvements and align with road user charging frameworks
    • The challenges and opportunities of integrating public transport initiatives, such as free transport, with road user charging policies
    •  Insights from Tallinn’s decade-long experiment in free public transport and its implications for broader EU climate and mobility goalsMaris