Merseyflow records highest number of annual crossings in 2024
This number represents the highest of crossings recorded since the Mersey Gateway Bridge opened in October 2017, breaking the previous record of 6.54 million crossings from April – June this year.
Over 2 million vehicles are consistently making the journey over the bridges each month, with the majority choosing to pay for their crossings using digital payment methods, Merseyflow reports.
The newly released quarterly figures include trips made across both the Mersey Gateway Bridge and the Silver Jubilee Bridge.
They cover July – September 2024, and show:
- Over 81,000 vehicles use the bridges every weekday – with over 86% of vehicles using the Mersey Gateway Bridge to cross the river
- More customers choosing to register with merseyflow and use the auto top-up system than ever – shown by over 93% of customers using digital or automated payment methods.
- PCNs remain consistent as a % of overall journeys – over 97.4% of journeys were paid for on time
The quarterly merseyflow dashboard provides a range of in-depth statistics which show information on the number of crossings made, average daily traffic, number of PCNs issued, payment methods, payments time, total revenue, PCN payment percentage.
Chief executive of Merseyflow, Neil Conway, said: “We’ve just passed the seventh anniversary of the opening of the Mersey Gateway Bridge, and customers are continuing to take advantage of our pre-pay plans with auto top-up making it quicker and easier for them to pay for their crossings on time.”