Deadline looms for second-generation smart tachograph retrofitting
Failure to comply by 31 December 2024 could result in significant penalties, including fines of up to €4,400, vehicle impoundment or even imprisonment in some countries.
The requirement applies to older analogue and first-generation digital tachographs used in cross-border transport.
The updated devices, such as Continental’s VDO DTCO 4.1, aim to improve road safety and compliance with driving and rest time regulations.
Workshops are said to be already reporting limited availability for retrofitting appointments and have urged fleet operators to secure appointments promptly to avoid disruption as the end-of-year deadline approaches.
What’s more, tachographs suppliers such as Continental – a sponsor of Road User Charging Conference 2025 – have recommended fleet operators combine the retrofitting process with regular tachograph inspections to minimise vehicle downtime and reduce costs.
The phased implementation of the EU Mobility Package includes further deadlines. By 18 August 2025, vehicles using first-version smart tachographs must upgrade to the second version.
From 1 July 2026, light commercial vehicles and vans exceeding 2.5 tonnes engaged in cross-border transport will also need to be equipped with the latest devices.
As such, Continental has warned that failing to retrofit on time could leave fleets sidelined or limited to domestic operations until upgrades are complete.